Project Publications
Nyhan, J., & Flinn, A. (2016). Computation and the Humanities: Towards an Oral History of Digital Humanities. Springer International Publishing. Retrieved from
Submitted. On the history of peer review in the Digital Humanities: social and institutional considerations. In Susan Schreibman and Jennifer Edmond Eds. Digital Methods and the Scholarly Communications Ecosystem. Open Book publishers.
Terras, M., & Nyhan, J. (2016). Father Busa’s Female Punch Card Operatives. Matther K. Gold & Lauren F. Klein (Eds.) Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016. University of Minnesota Press. Pp. 60-65.

Nyhan, J. (2016). 'In search of identities in the Digital Humanities: the early history of Humanist'. In Molloy, J (Ed.) Social Media Archaeology and Poetics. MIT Press.

Nyhan, J., Flinn, A., & Welsh, A. (2015). Oral History and the Hidden Histories project: towards histories of computing in the humanities. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 30(1), 71–85.

Nyhan, J., & Duke-Williams, O. (2014). Joint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 29(3), 387–399.

Nyhan, J. (2013). What can modern-day Digital Humanities learn from studying its past? Some recommendations and suggestions. University of Lille.
Nyhan, J., Flinn, A., & Welsh, A. (2012). A short Introduction to the Hidden Histories project and interviews. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 006(3).
See details of published interviews on the Oral History page.
Nyhan, J. (2018). Voices heard, voices silenced: on hidden contributions to the emergence of Digital Humanities c.1954-67. British Society for the History of Mathematics meeting, History of Computing beyond the computer", Oxford University, UK.
Nyhan, J. (2017). What are the longer-term origins of the asymmetrical power structures that shape so much of the practice of Digital Humanities? ITUG-Jahrestagung, Technischen Universitaet Darmstadt (Keynote).
Nyhan, J. (2017). ‘‘Techies’ versus scholars: Roberto Busa’s Index Thomisticus project and its role in the establishment of the iniquitous power structures of Digital Humanities’. Digital Humanities at Siberian Federal University Conference. Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
Nyhan, J., & Terras, M. (2017). Uncovering ‘hidden’ contributions to the history of Digital Humanities: The Index Thomisticus’ female keypunch operators. Presented at the Digital Humanities 2017.
Jones, S. E., Nyhan, J., Rockwell, G., Sinclair, S., & Terras, M. (2017). Reverse engineering the first humanities computing center. Presented at the Digital Humanities 2017.
Nyhan, J. (2017). The social history of Digital Humanities: an oral history perspective. The Making of the Humanities VI conference. Oxford.
Nyhan, J. (2015). 'Knowledge organisation systems and Digital Humanities: looking back in order to look forward.' ISKO Knowledge organization systems and digital humanities. Strasbourg, France. (Keynote)
Nyhan, J. (2015). 'New paths through the histories of Digital Humanities: uncovering hidden contributions to Busa's Index Thomisticus' International Symposium of Information Science, University of Zadar Croatia
Nyhan, J. (2015). An introduction to the Histories of Digital Humanities. University of Babes-Bolyaiy / Transylvanian Digital Humanities Centre, Romania
Nyhan J. (2015). Collaboration and Digital Humanities: two studies and a plea. Technospaces. Persistence - Practices - Procedures - Power. University of Darmstadt, Germany
Nyhan, J. (2015). Nyhan J. Invited panel member. TALK ART/TALK SOCIETY Merging technology and historical research: What are the future archives like? The Finnish Institute in London, UK.
Nyhan J. (2015). Digital Humanities: origins and future directions. Invited research seminar: University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nyhan, J. (2014). Collaboration and Digital Humanities: on the past, present and future. Transforming Digital Methods conference. University of Exeter.
Flinn, A; Nyhan, J. (2014). Whose project is this? Whose stories do we tell? Participatory frameworks for community-based oral history projects. In: (Proceedings) Community Voices: Oral History on the Ground.K
Nyhan, J. (2014). Memory, narrative and disciplinary identity: an investigation. In: (Proceedings) Faculty lecture
Nyhan, J. (2013). Uncovering the “hidden histories” of computing in the Humanities 1949 – 1980: findings and reflections on the pilot project. In: (Proceedings) Digital Humanities 2013. (pp. pp. 326-328). Centre for Digital Research in the Humanities: University of Nebraska-Illinois: USA.
Nyhan, J. (2013). Through memories and times: reflections on reflecting on the histories of computing in the Humanities. In: (Proceedings) Les Humanités Délivrées / Humanities Unbound.
Nyhan, J. (2012). Uncovering the “hidden histories” of computing in the Humanities 1949 – 1980: an overview of our key findings. In: (Proceedings) Digital Humanities Congress 2012.
Nyhan, J. (2012). Digital Humanities: histories or memories and what in between? In: (Proceedings) Leipzig University, European Summer School of Culture and Technology evening lecture.
Nyhan, J. (2012). Contributions towards a history of computing in the Humanities. In: (Proceedings) University College Cork, School of Historical Sciences Seminar Series.
Nyhan, J. (2012). Contributions towards a history of computing in the Humanities. In: (Proceedings) University College Cork, School of Historical Sciences Seminar Series.
Nyhan, J. (2012). What is oral history and what role can it play in the history of Digital Humanities? In: (Proceedings) Universitatet Trier, Digital Humanities Seminar Series
Nyhan, J. (2012). What is oral history and what role can it play in the history of Digital Humanities? In: (Proceedings) Universitatet Trier, Digital Humanities Seminar Series
Nyhan, J Welsh, A Theobald, M. (2011). Hidden Histories: Computing in the Humanities, c. 1949-1980: pilot study. In: (Proceedings) London Seminar in Digital Text and Scholarship.